inLine News

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Keep Yourself Safe: Wear A Bullet Proof Vest

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The pull of a trigger and someone’s life could potentially end. This is the sad truth of our world today. We have seen  developments in every field ever since man discovered how to light a fire. Since then we have come a long way in our  evolution and today we have machine that can accomplish things that previously we thought of as impossible. Our weapons too  have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Gone are the crude clubs and simple crossbows. Instead these days we have  rifles and guns that are a lot more deadly, more effective and easier to use.

If you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation and need to stop an assailant then you will appreciate having a gun at  hand but if you find yourself on the wrong side of the barrel you will find yourself wishing the weapon was never invented.  The problem these days is that guns are too freely available and not everyone uses them responsibly. The simple pull of a  trigger can take a life. It may not even be on purpose. You may find yourself shot accidentally on a hunting trip with your  friends. Is there anything you can do to protect yourself? Yes there is.

In ancient times you would have strapped a shield to your arm to protect yourself if someone came at you with a sword. To  protect yourself from a bullet you will need to put on a Bullet proof vest. A Bulletproof vest is a garment that can be worn  like a normal vest and it will protect you in case you are hit by a bullet. This vest is ineffective if you are shot in the  arm or leg but will protect all the vital organs located in your chest and torso area.

A bullet proof vest is a type of body armor. Though it will protect you from gun fire it will be ineffective if someone comes  at you with a knife. For protection against such attacks you will need different kind of body armor. There are a lot of types  of vests available in the market. Each vest has a rating and the rating determines what calibre bullet the vest can protect  you from. The police department usually use a bulletproof vest with a rating of 2. A vest with a rating of 1 can protect  against a .22 calibre bullet whereas a vest with a rating of 4 will protect you from a .44 calibre bullet as well.


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