inLine News

Friday, 4 November 2011

What A Survival Kit Should Include

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The world has become quite an uncertain place. There is really no way of knowing when and where disaster may strike. In the  past decade we have witnessed every kind of natural disaster, from earthquakes and floods to tsunamis and hurricanes. There  is nothing that you can do to stop calamities from happening but you can prepare yourself to deal with the aftermath in case  something happens.

The best way to be prepared is to have your own survival kit prepared. Survival kits are very important they can come in very  handy if you ever find yourself in a difficult situation. There are a few things that every survival kit must contain. The  most important would be some sort of solution for drinking water. You have the option of carrying bottled water on you. This  is a very unpractical solution because it does not make sense for you to carry a large amount of water with you. It would  make the kit very heavy and cumbersome to carry.

Most survival kits have some sort of portable water filter or water purifying tablets so that you can have access to clean  and safe drinking water. The kit will also include some sort of portable shelter. A camping tent or a tube shelter is ideal  for such use. You should also include other essential items like a two way radio, a solar spark lighter so that you can start  a fire and a first aid kit. A compass can help you navigate if you are lost and need to find your way.

Another important element that should be included in your kit is a solution for food. A good idea is to include lots of  energy bars and ready to make meals from makers like MRE. These meals are easy to make and will keep you fed if you are stuck  in a bad situation. All of these things together will complete your survival kit. If you are buying the survival kit online  then you should find out what the kit includes before you make your purchase.

You can put your own kit together but you may not be able to find all the things that you need. It is easier and more  practical to buy a pre-assembled kit. You should make sure that you keep the kit in a place that is easy to reach. If  possible keep a secondary kit in your car so that you are never too far away from your emergency supplies.


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